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Interview Essays: Writing Success


Very often, young students start a business or a project, and to succeed, they take the example of people who have already achieved success. To do this, they go to various workshops and master classes, but the most popular methods of getting the information are interviews and autobiographical books. Sometimes, students have the opportunity to talk to a variety of influential people. However, not all are able to work correctly with the text, structure and formulate the main idea. We have picked several methods how to make your essay better and more helpful for others.

13 Lucky Professions Everybody Dreams Of

Lucky Occupations

Every other day is like a previous one and your job is so dull it hurts? Then, you will be thrilled by finding out that there are a big number of surprisingly enjoyable professions – both unusual and weird, even odd but, nevertheless, interesting and exciting. There are a lot of lucky devils, whose occupations are, for example, to taste new kinds of ice-cream, to drive costly cars and to look after the private island. And all that is a real job! So, have a look at this list of 13 lucky professions and, probably, you will find your calling providing that a job from your dreams really exists.

How to Avoid Inappropriate Content on the Internet?

Person Using Internet

Nowadays, everyone is talking about the benefits of the internet and how it improved our life. However, most of these people forget about several great disadvantages of it: probably, the biggest one is an inappropriate content. The majority of teenagers and hundreds of adults use World Wide Web every day and do not know about the ways of protecting themselves from such an issue. Usually, they do not even try to do it, as people think that it cannot seriously damage one’s mental health. Most of the young people just do not pay attention to this problem and find it is a normal thing or that it is impossible to overcome it.

Importance of College Essay

College Graduation

Probably, every schoolchild thinks what he or she is going to do after the graduation from high school. Most of them don`t understand how many benefits college can give them. Some students agree that it is pretty hard to find the prestigious job without a higher education. At times, parents play a great role and induce their kids to enter the college. Of course, you can object that such kind of education isn`t necessary for today and it doesn`t worth the time and money you spend to get it. However, there are some arguments to convince you.

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