Autumn is a lovely season with its bright landscapes and unpredictable weather. Of course, it is also a sign of a new academic year which isn’t the most pleasant feature of this season. But wait. Romance has not been canceled.
Autumn isn’t less romantic time of the year than all the others. Of course, opportunities for activities in the summer are more diversified, but the autumn months can give great chances to enjoy each other.
Restaurant at Home
Cooking together is a great activity for lovers. Moreover, it is a great and important thing, if you think about it with full responsibility. Besides, it can be incredibly exciting if you have imagination. For instance, you can make a week of international cuisines. Monday will be devoted to Spanish cuisine, Tuesday will be dedicated to Italian one and so on. The key point here is that the process of choosing ingredients and kind of cuisine is interesting and enthralling. On this point, you can even make a small party with traditional music and dances.
Stars in the Sky

It is well-known fact that looking at the stars is wildly romantic. Everyone has seen it in the movies. But few people have realized this idea. Stock up with hot tea and blankets and go to the stars. By the way, you can download app SkyView, which will help find and identify constellations.
Concerts of Unknown Groups
Unfortunately, it is quite hard to afford to go to the Beyonce or Rammstein concert. Nevertheless, there are various small groups which give concerts in your town. They aren’t less talented and can play a high-quality music. What's stopping you to go to a concert and hear future Beatles? The main rule is that you should not know anything about the group nor be familiar to their songs. Then you will have something to discuss, and experience will be brighter.
Making Cocktails
Create a truly warm atmosphere. Make a variety of warming drinks. It could be hot coffee cocktails, cocoa with different toppings, a real hot chocolate and others. By the way, they can become great companions while writing school essays or making presentation.
Tour of Museums
Frankly speaking, when the last time you were in a museum or at an exhibition? It's time to catch up. So discover the world of history, art or even the world of animals. Besides, big plus of small museums is the low price for entrance.
Requiem for the Fly
If you severely lack the summer heat, then grab a swimsuit, sunglasses and go to the water park. In order to create the atmosphere, do not forget to smear with sunscreen and drink soft drinks.
Extracurricular Reading
Autumn is a perfect time to get in a chair with a good book. Read the most romantic lines from your books and listen to your beloved’s favorite one. Reading aloud is very romantic! And it is not necessarily to read love poems.
It is perhaps the most classic autumn activity. You can spend the entire day watching multiple seasons of favorite series. But not all boys are delighted with the "Pretty Liars". So choose something that you both enjoy, or let it be something you've never seen.