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Writing a perfect CV: What Are The Secrets?

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Research results of BI Business School show that the majority of HR's spend no longer than 45 seconds for checking a CV and marking it as "not interesting", "maybe interesting" and "interesting". So what is the algorithm for a perfect CV writing?

Small General Life Hacks

Curriculum Vitae should be short and clear, maximum two A4 pages. If your previous life experience doesn't fit this size just try to change fonts or page's fields (still, your name should be 18pt, subtitles - 14). Write reservedly and make no jokes. Don't forget to check whether all of your sentences tell something new about you. If there is no new information, you may cruelly delete it. Use bold and italics to mark the main paragraphs, but remain minimalist in that task.

Regularly updade the information in your CV, check whether all links, emails and numbers still work.

The Structure

The CV should be remarkable, understandable and easy to read. That is why it is important to arrange and classify all of the information correctly, dividing it into small meaningful portions within the paper.

The main subtitles are:

  • Personal details: your name, surname, contact number/email, birthdate, address. NB! Insert your photo only if you know that in the organization or country where you want to find a job it is common to include small personal photos in a CV.

  • Education and qualifications: type information about your university and only those courses and skills that are strictly related to your future working responsibilities.

  • Work experience: if you were having some part-time job while studying (such as staff in restaurants and hotels, safeguards in swimming pools), you don't need to write much about it. Try to concentrate the reader’s attention on those jobs where you earned some extra skills or experience which are also linked with the one you're applying for right now. For every position try to mark some main tasks that you've held and your new experience there.

  • Interests and achievements: everything that you do beyond the professional activity (traveling, reading, painting). However, be careful in writing about your hobbies, try to list them in such a way so they won't sound as cliches. For example, if you like to travel express it like this: travelled half of Europe using couchsurfing program to meet new people, gain new life experience, see the cities and country's culture from another point of view. Make priority for those hobbies that are somehow connected to your future job.

  • Skills: what was left unwritten in Education and Qualifications (different online and other courses, foreign languages, programs). Include some of the most important certificates in case you have them.

  • References: if you don't have any recommendation letter from a legendary person, you don't need to include any to your first CV. It is enough to note that they are available upon request.

    Typing the Document

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