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Best Topic Selection: What Should Be Taken Into Account?

Best Topic

The well-selected topic is the half of success. Thus, you should take this task responsibly. There are a few factors you should take into account. Firstly, it may be difficult for you. However, after you learn how to select the topic well, these factors will be considered automatically.

  1. You and Your Reader

    You should choose a topic, which should be interesting for you. This means, that you will be able to share your enthusiasm with your reader. Also, you will be interested in selection of proper examples and clear argumentation of your point.

    It is also necessary to care about your reader’s interest. You cannot predict the interests and preferred topics of every particular reader, but still there are some common issues, which are actual and modern. Thus, your task is to choose a topic dealing with such an issue or just find the way to deliver any topic in extra-ordinary way.

  2. Actual and “Historical” Topics

    It is up to you to select the topic, so you can choose an extra-modern one or the one, which has been discussed in scientific sphere for long. Obviously, the way of covering the issue will be much different. You will find less sources dealing with the extra-modern issue, but you will have more possibilities for telling something new. Talking about the so-called “old topics”, you will find a lot of sources, but most likely you won’t tell anything new on it. So, your task will be to classify and restructure the materials read.

  3. Narrow and Wide Topics

    It is also important to make a proper choice between narrow and wide topics. You should check the length of your paper required, as this is also the factor of topic selection. For example, if you need to write a 3 page essay, you should better choose a narrow topic (a specific in-depth feature or point), as you will be able to discuss it fully. If you need to write a 15 pages paper, it will be difficult to find enough information on a narrow and specific issue, so find the more general one. A general topic has more aspects, so you will be able to write a long and efficient paper with a good structure and clear thoughts.

  4. Mode of Writing

    Also, mind the type of essay writing needed. There are four main types of essay writing: descriptive, argumentative, expository and narrative. For a descriptive essay you should select an exact subject to describe. An argumentative essay requires you to deal with a problematic and disputable issue. An explanatory essay should have a topic, which is aimed on explanation of a particular scientific issue. Finally, a narrative essay should cover an event, so your topic will indicate what kind of story you are going to tell.

Step by Step Instructions on How to Select the Proper Topic

Now you should know the process of choosing the topic step by step to make the process easier and more effective.

Step #1: Check the Instructions

This step may become the last one if you look at your assignment instructions and see the topic up there. However, if you should choose the topic by yourself, it is necessary to choose the points that should influence the topic selection: subject, length, type of essay writing, points to be discussed etc. You can even underline or highlight the important details not to forget.

Step #2: Formulating of the General Topic

You should have kind of “draft topic”, meaning that you should find out the sphere you are dealing with. You may define a few suggestions on what you want to write about.

Step #3: Searching for Sources

Now you should make sure that you understand the issue perfectly. You should search for the reliable sources dealing with the suppository topic. While reading the sources you may decide to narrower the topic and make it more specific.

Step #4: Putting the Topic on the Top of Your List

Now you can write down your topic on the top of your list and proceed to the next steps of writing such as outlining, writing of the first drafts and so on.

A Few More Tips

  • Make sure that your topic is concise. Topics having more than 1 line are usually more difficult to comprehend.
  • Do not feel shy to discuss your topic with others. Surely, you can consult your professor asking whether the particular topic is suitable, and start working on your essay after getting the approval. It will also be a good idea to ask for advice from your friends or family, if this is possible. Getting someone else’s opinion is always fruitful, but you should filter, whose advice to follow. By the way, we will be glad to offer you experienced academic writers for assistance. They will be able to review your assignment instructions, give you some topic suggestions and even complete extended outline to give you ideas for writing. Actually, after you get assisted by our writer, you will learn how to select a good topic for your paper on practice and the next time this task will be less challenging for you.
  • You can modify the topic after your paper is written. For example, if you see that you have written mostly on one point of the topic, you can make it narrower. This will contribute to your paper clarity. Also, your reader will see that the issue indicated has been covered fully, so his expectations will be fully met.

Now Let’s Summarize, What We Have Learned

The checklist will be a helpful thing here. Just answer the following questions. If you did everything correctly, your answers will be “Yes”:

English language

Is your topic brief and clear? Does it refer to your subject?
Will it be suitable for your particular assignment instructions?
Do you like it and consider it to be interesting?
Do you know, what to write about this issue?
Will you be able to cover the topic fully within the set pages limit?

In case you have any extra questions or you need any assistance from our side, do not hesitate to contact us any time, as we are always glad to help students with academic papers. There is no point to struggle and waste your time and nerves for the academic success! Write papers with pleasure due to assistance by PaperChoice.Org

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