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The Principles of the Best Education

Let`s review the principles of the best and the most effective education. You should understand that the improvements much depend on you and your behavior. Not to create an unreachable ideal, we will take the principles from the analysis of education in Finland, which is considered to be among the best in the world.

What Are the Exact Principles of the Proper Education?

What should be the principles of education, so it will perfectly perform its aim with all the students satisfied with the fair process?

  1. Equality

    Equality is a common issue for any societies in the world. As far as education can be concerned, the equality refers to:

    A. Equality of Institutions

    There should not be the big gap between the super-good and bad institutions. All the academic institutions need to follow the certain set of common demands. Furthermore, the minorities and their rights to educate should also be taken into account and realized through the development of the appropriate schools, colleges etc.

    B. Equality of Parents

    A teacher or professor should not know who the parents of a certain student are. The questions concerning the parents` occupation and place of work should be strictly prohibited.

    C. Equality of Students

    All students should be considered to be unique and there cannot be any differences due to race, gender, or mental abilities. The students are not allowed to be compared one to another. This contributes to the small difference between the smartest and the less smart students in a group.

    No Racial Bias D. Equality of Teachers and Professors

    Tutors should do their job and never prefer some students to others.

    E. Equality of Rights

    Both: teachers and students should have equal rights and know them well. Students and teachers should have the mutual respect, and both need to have the right to complaint in case of mistreatment.

  2. Individuality

    Everybody is a specific personality, so his abilities and weak points should be taken into account.

  3. Practical Approach

    Students should develop the practical skills and be able to apply them in real life. There is no use of numerous theoretical facts, if you cannot put them into logical chains and get a lesson from the certain results.

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  4. Mutual Trust

    There should be trustful relationship between the professor and student, between the professor and administration, between the administration and government etc. There is no point of testing the performance regularly, as this creates the pressure, which has a negative effect.

    Student-Professor Co-Operation
  5. Setting Background for the Self-Education

    Education shows the vectors for the students` development, defines the purposes and motivation for the further self-realization. It is up to student whether to move forward or not. Institutions should teach students to figure out in their life without anybody`s help, look for alternative solutions and make decisions effectively.

Is the Perfect Education Possible?

Sure it is. The features mentioned above are quite logical and possible to be realized. The reforms in governance as well as changing of the psychological approach to education are necessary to reach such an aim. Nevertheless, time changes and we need to be ready to adjust the basic spheres to the changes of society and of its requirements.

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